• Urban Textile Jewel #7 | Salomé Brussieux

    October 24 - November 30, 2014

    Salomé Brussieux is an artist and fashion designer from Paris. She has her own brand, LEON ROSE MAGMA, of women’s ready-to-wear high-end. During her recent trip to New York, she mixed her discovery of the city with her artistic activity, working outdoors with garments and textiles to fabricate her “Urban Textile Jewelry”. In these works, she uses fabric from discarded New Yorkers’ clothes and leftover scraps from fashion district, repurposing these materials so that the city “wears” her designs. Inspired by street objects, like pipes, fire exits, cracks in walls, sometime trivial or insignificant, she tries to enhance and reclaim objects with her Urban Textile Jewelry. ArtHelix was thrilled to invite her to design and install a piece for our gallery, reclaiming part of our building’s industrial past.


    For more information about Salomé’s work, please visit - http://urbantextilejewelry.tumblr.com


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